Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Four Gift Rule

The last Christmas I was home in NJ it literally took over 4 hours to open gifts. In attendance were 6 children and 10 adults. The adults had drawn names, which by the way was rigged...(you know who you are and you know what you did), so the adult portion for opening gifts was quick. However, the kids took up the majority of this time as it should be. Let's just say I knew we were in trouble when grandma had to get help to "unload" the car. My sister's dining room was nothing but bags of wrapped gifts wall to wall. Plus every aunt/uncle bought something for each one of the nieces/nephews as well.  So the craziness ensued. The noise level was deafening. My poor husband..he is so not used to it, but in case you didn't know it NJ people can be loud.      

Well recently I had seen this thinking it would have been nice to have this as a guideline for my family for gift buying.  Being the Aunt that I am I feel this overwhelming guilt if I don't get the kids this perfect gift.  For crying out loud...I'm the Aunt not the parent.  Wow. Coordinate with the parents if you must otherwise pick one thing and go with it.  Grandma really needs to pay attention to this...

So here it is:  (I had seen this on a facebook status--I don't remember whose-sorry)

The Four Gift Rule:
1-gift they want
1-gift they need
1-gift they wear
1-gift they read

Quite honestly, slow down, enjoy this time of year and simplify.  Less stress=happy people.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

So first and foremost, Labor Day Weekend is upon us, which means end of summer is here.  For those of you that do have to work this weekend I wish your work day goes quickly with very few issues.  I have to tell you though, I have been patiently waiting for this weekend to arrive!  On Sunday for the first time, I get to see not one but two of my favorite bands in the same night!  Train and Maroon 5 are together in Kansas City at the Starlight Theater on Sunday night!  Okay to say I'm a LITTLE excited would be a gross understatement.  Pics will be coming later. 

Now for a little update regarding The Sterling Charm...
Customers will now be able to order the charms of their choice and mix and match them however they would like.  The site is to be updated this week after that you can check out the charms tab for more information.  I'll keep you posted as new items are added.  One last thing, if you have a design idea you would like stamped in sterling silver but are not sure if it is possible, let me know and we can design it together.   

Have a safe holiday weekend and enjoy it!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Perfect Cocktail Party

Hello Everyone,

Recently I was asked if you have a cocktail party or birthday party how many different hor'derves do you serve for say a 3 hour party if that is the meal also.  I love these kind of parties.  So here is what I know works.  Rule of thumb is go by guest count.  If you have 6 guests need 36 pieces, 12 guests 72 pieces, 24 guests 144 pieces.  If I am having 6 guests I may choose 3 different hor'derves, 12 guests 4 different hor'derves and 6 different hor'derves for 24 guests.  This is in addition to 3 dips (i.e. crab dip, yogurt fuit dip and spinach vegetable dip served with crackers, fruit and veggies.  I will also pair up 2 or 3 signature drinks.   I will also do either brownies, cake or cupcakes.  Sometimes I will get clear boxes similar to the chinese food containers and fill those up with a treat for them to take home...sort of a party favor or you can get boxes for your guests to take their dessert home with them.  Another fun and inexpensive treat are fortune cookies.  I typically wrap the party around a theme of some sort and tailor the food for that theme.

Lastly, believe it or not...the closer your guests are the more likely they are to interact with one another and have fun.  Don't worry about if your place is small have the party anyway.  Also music is very important.  Look at the demographics of your guests and chose accordingly.  Make a 3-4 hour play list on your MP3 player.  The first hour make it low key, second hour upbeat and fun, third hour upbeat and fun turning toward wind down but feel good.  If you need help with the music selection I can help just let me know.  Most important thing to do is have fun!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Little Speed Bumps of Web based Business

Hi Everyone,

Well we are beginning to see light at the end of this tunnel.  Finally!  There are so many little details to creating a website if you miss one it grinds the whole thing to standstill.  I really don't like it when web builders for the DIY's tell you it is sooo easy...they are soooo lying.  There is nothing easy about this.  I would like to bury my head in the sand and just create jewelry and have the website magically present itself up their for the world to see, but apparently this is not how this works.  All-in-all it is a learning process.  If any of you reading this need a website built and have questions I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. 

On a fun note, so far in the line I have necklaces, earrings and rings.  Bracelets are next on my list, as well as some gifts for the men in our lives, I can't leave them out.  Thank you for the tremendous support and encouragement from all of you.  It means a great deal to me. 


Friday, June 17, 2011

What's going on?

Well since I am not going to Colorado this planned.  I am going to work on new pieces of jewelry.  I will post a few pics on here later and link them to facebook.  The website is STILL being worked on.  Who knew it would be this difficult?  I sure didn't.  Any fun parties coming up?  I think once the website goes live I want to do a launch party.  Sort of a grand opening....but mainly just a party.   Lol...okay so this is where the party planner kicks in and goes haywire.  I would rather plan a launch party than deal with product descriptions for the web designer....grrr.  Party planning on hold.   

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Website Coming Soon...

In starting this business I have learned a great deal of things.  Most important thing I have learned is "just start somewhere".  Oh and that feeling of not being ready, well it is what it is.  This is a process and one that I am enjoying.  It is a little daunting at times but I believe this is the fun part...the challenge.  The website is being built this Saturday.  Will be adding product pics through the week and hopefully we will launch Memorial Day Weekend.  I just wanted to say a big thank you to my family and friends for the encouraging words and advice.  Your support means the world to me. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Beginnings

Hello.  Well, I wanted to tell everyone basically what has been going on lately.  I have found that my "real" job has left me with extra time so I have decided to start a little "fun" business I like to call The Sterling Charm.  What is the The Sterling Charm you might ask?  Well I make a collection of personalized hand stamped sterling silver charms for moms, dads, kids/teens, grandparents,  couples, bridal parties, sports teams, etc.  All charms are strung on nice sterling silver ball chain.  Also every piece comes with a pearl or birthstone..your choice or both for a small fee for the additional accent piece.  I have something for everyone.  I'm in the process of putting together a website and trying to figure out how to link everything together.  New product pictures are forthcoming.  I am very excited to share this with my family and friends.  It has been fun learning how to make these charms and I hope you like them.  If you have an idea for a charm feel free to share it with me.