Saturday, March 3, 2012

Out With the Old, In with the New

I have decided to revamp a few things....

Eating habits, exercise habits, work habits.....I don't know have I left anything out? 

Okay so it is March 3rd and I'm a little late for New Years resolutions so we won't go there. 

Currently, on the health front I have decided to make better food choices and healthier meals.  I have been logging into to track my daily intake.  Knowing is half the battle in some cases.  Secondly I have started a workout schedule.  Rome wasn't built in a day but I'm making it part of my daily/weekly routine.  It is not easy but it is worth it.  If anyone decides to join add me "tscbarb".  This website has a lot of great material and support as well as a good food/exercise tracker.  Plus if you have a smart phone can use their mobile ap. 

I have been a little stuck in the creativity department lately.  When things are cluttered around me I am overwhelmed and blocked.  I recognize this and have decided to focus on one part of my product line at a time and clear out everything else.  So over the next several weeks you will see new items that I've been working on.  Also I have decided to use, which in the past I haven't because I have my website.  I figure any exposure is good exposure.  In addition to this I will be doing a few craft fairs starting in April going into the fall.  I love meeting and talking to customers face to face.  When dates are more set I'll keep everyone posted. 

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